An infinite suite of Financial Services AI innovations

Financial Services Expertise

Our team brings significant  collective experience in operational automation of financial services. We are at the forefront of leveraging Artificial Intelligence (AI) to drive experimentation and innovation across the Banking, Financial Services, and Insurance industries (BFSI).

Artificial Intelligence

Our mission is to harness the power of AI to redefine and optimize key operational processes alongside and with humans. We understand the potential for AI to disrupt and transform BFSI. Experimentation is key, but not falling for the hype or being close off to ideas.

Proven Technology

AI-driven reporting technologies address the specific data challenges financial organizations face. AI solutions and techniques can enable the financial services sector to improve data communication & accelerate processes. We help navigate with 'Prompt Engineering' and 'Guardrails'.

AI infin8 innovation in action

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Regulatory Tech

Our infinite suite of AI capabilities in financial services for Regulations and Anti-Money Laundering (AML) / Anti-Financial Crime (AFC).

Specific activities such as Suspicious Activity Reporting (SAR), Digital Operations Resiliency Act (DORA), Enhanced Due Diligence (EDD) and Know-Your-Customer (KYC) can become more efficient using the power of Robotic Process Automation (RPA), machine learning and generative-AI techniques.

Sentiment & Market Analysis

Our capability transforms textual and unstructured data into valuable insights by evaluating the underlying sentiment and tone. For financial services executives, this is essential for assessing markets and sentiment from news articles, social media, data sets and financial reports. This provides crucial insights for understanding market movements, gauging customer opinions on financial products, and effectively managing brand reputation.

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Our AI capabilities generates highly customized and tailored reports or analyses for individual user or firms based on their specific objectives, preferences, and goals. We leverage data analytics, machine learning, and artificial intelligence (AI) to create personalized content that is relevant and meaningful to each situation or outcome.

Create capabilities specific to your own perspective. Play and review them anywhere.

What Ai is right for you?

Large Language Models? Prompt Engineering? Guardrails? What does it mean to you?

See it in action: Schedule a demonstration