Market Validation Background

Four European firms have engaged AI infin8 to help innovate and increase experimentation using Gen AI to increase efficiencies in Regulatory Technology. We are seeking other organizations with the same goals to validate the artificial intelligence (AI) concepts.

The consultancy is pro bono and lasts for 2 - 8 weeks. The results will allow your organization to increase production and improve process automation.

Do you recognise these business problems?

a) Do you have all your information in spreadsheet(s) or antiquated systems, and/or,

b) Does your third-party system(s) have business logic? Do the decisions only get made sequentially, or are not fully understandable?

We have the ability to showcase moving from spreadsheets with tools that you understand, and, with decision-making recommendations based on your own business workflow.


Sign up here if you are interested in testing the use of AI in either/or Suspicious Activity Reporting or Digital Operations Resiliency Act.

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